Welcome to Southwest Retirement Specialists

“Passionate about empowering financial futures. Guiding clients towards prosperity, one step at a time. Committed to personalized solutions for lasting financial security “

Secure Your Retirement Future

Our platform is dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance tailored to individuals in the stages of planning for retirement or already navigating their retirement journey. With a keen focus on topics deemed essential for securing financial peace of mind, we aim to empower our audience in achieving their retirement goals. Through a wealth of information and insights, we strive to equip individuals with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions regarding their finances, ensuring a stable and fulfilling retirement experience. Whether it's navigating investment strategies, understanding pension options, or optimizing savings plans, our mission is to support our users every step of the way towards a financially secure retirement future.

“Your Financial Goals Are Our Priority”

Michele E. Tsoukalas is a highly experienced financial advisor with over 28 years of industry expertise. Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, Michele brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her clients in the Lone Star State and beyond. She is appointed in several states which include Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona, offering personalized retirement planning and wealth management solutions tailored to each client's unique needs. With a deep understanding of market trends and a commitment to client satisfaction, Michele is a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of financial planning.

Client Experience

Empowering individuals through both group seminars and personalized one-on-one meetings. With over two decades of experience in the financial industry, Michele has become a trusted authority in retirement planning and wealth management.

Michele's passion for educating others on financial literacy shines through in her engaging seminars, where she distills complex concepts into easy-to-understand insights. Participants praise Michele's ability to break down intimidating topics, leaving them feeling informed and inspired to take control of their financial futures.

In addition to her impactful group seminars, Michele offers personalized one-on-one meetings where she delves deep into each client's unique financial situation and goals. Known for her attentive listening skills and empathetic approach, Michele ensures that every individual receives tailored guidance and support to help them achieve their financial objectives.